Sunday, November 11, 2018

Everyday leaders create lollipop moments

Leadership is not just about captivating and engaging an audience. Nor is it about being in a position of leadership that requires you to supervise a team of staff members. Great leaders seek to inspire any and every one they come across through positive interactions and by being kind. Many of you, whether you know it or not, have impacted someone's life in a positive way. If you are uncertain then it is likely that that person has not told you yet. This week I was inspired by Drew Dudley's Ted Talk on everyday leadership which emphasized the notion of creating and acknowledging the "lollipop moments." A lollipop moment could be just a simple remark or gesture but to the person on the receiving end it could be just the confirmation he/she needed.

When I was in my junior year of college at Troy University, I met a young lady who was in her final years of high school. I was working part-time as a test proctor for the university at the time and she was there visiting with her grandmother. She was interested in hearing about my experiences at the university and what the classes were like. Though I do not recall too much about the conversation itself, what I do remember is her enthusiasm for learning. I did not realize it at that time, but that conversation inspired her and made her want to be a TROY Trojan. I never saw her again after that. However, a few days later, I was sent an email from the girl's grandmother, who happened to be a faculty member of the university.  The message was sent as a thank you for talking with her granddaughter and to share that she is now considering Troy University. I share this story with you because I do not and did not consider myself a leader in any sense, yet because of that acknowledgement I know that I have, at the very least, inspired one person in my lifetime to go after something great.

In my senior year at TROY, I found myself being inspired by one of my professor's, Dr. Robert Moore. See, I really didn't have any plans to continue on to grad school and didn't really want to. I have always been my toughest critic and would second guess myself on certain assignments even though I have always done pretty well in school. Plus, I was just ready to be done. I had met with him to discuss my final paper, which I had made a high B on. As we were talking, he had shared with me that out of all his students that I was one of the few who he could see going on to be successful in graduate school and that I had a lot of potential. Right then and there sparks fired and I knew that I would not stop there. Dr. Moore's belief in me was inspiring and it gave me the confirmation I needed to keep going in my pursuit of knowledge and professional development. I do not believe that I ever had the chance to thank him, but, perhaps, one day he will see this and he will know the impact he made on me. Thank you, Dr. Moore!

These seemingly small moments can lead to some pretty amazing things and can also inspire others to pay it forward. I have been in the presence of some pretty great speakers in my life who know how to engage an audience and inspire others to pave their own way. I have, also, been fortunate enough to be under a great leadership team that motivates and supports each other to meet their goals. However, as I reflect upon my own lollipop moments I realize that these were the moments that led me to where I am today. We are all leaders in our own right to somebody.

Thanks for reading! What are your most memorable lollipop moments? Feel free to share them in the comment section below. Until next time.

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